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Writer's pictureT M.

How to Use Lugol's Iodine

When using high-dose iodine you may monitor your thyroid function by checking your temperature before getting up in the morning. Increase iodine remedies slowly while monitoring your wellbeing. Measuring under the tongue is more reliable than in the armpit. Women before menopause measure in the first half of the cycle before ovulation and best in the first week after the start of a new period. The temperature should be 36.5ºC (97.6ºF) or higher, otherwise the thyroid is likely to be under-active. However, be sure that you do not have a raised temperature due to a healing reaction or an infection.

Some symptoms of under-active thyroid functions include fatigue, underweight or overweight, constipation, fuzzy thinking, dry skin, low blood pressure, fluid retention, depression, and slow reflexes. When using high-dose iodine supplements for a longer period, also watch out for signs of over-active thyroid functions. These include anxiety, insomnia, rapid weight loss, diarrhea, high pulse rate, high blood pressure, sensitivity or bulging eye and vision disturbances. A high iodine intake can sometimes normalize an over-active thyroid and these related symptoms, but if they develop or increase instead then avoid iodine remedies.

Another problem is that iodine is a heart stimulant, and if you are using thyroid medication, or other stimulant drugs in addition, then that may be too much stimulation and heart palpitations may develop. In this case you need to reduce some of these stimulants sufficiently to rectify this problem.  

According to my experience and understanding the greatest benefit of high iodine intake is its effectiveness in killing Candida and other fungi and microbes. This may also be a reason for its effectiveness with breast cancer and ovarian cysts. The secret of this success may be the fact that both iodine and fungi have an affinity for the mucous membranes. By keeping the mucous membranes healthy iodine greatly helps to overcome autoimmune diseases, sinus problems, asthma, lung cancer, and other lung problems, and also intestinal diseases, including inflammatory conditions and cancers.

Increased iodine blood levels are not a problem while on the antimicrobial treatment. This is actually necessary in order to kill microbes, especially fungal overgrowth like Candida.

Directions for antimicrobial treatment: Take a test drop in liquid other than just water. If there is no unusual reaction, gradually increase to 6 - 8 drops 4 times daily or 10 drops 3 times a day. Your tastebuds will appreciate using liquids like cool or warm herb teas or a little milk, or mixed with food. Do not mix directly with antioxidants take those at least 30 to 45 minutes away from Lugol’s Solution. Each drop of Lugol’s contains about 6.5 mg of iodine

Continue for 3 weeks with the full dose, but reduce or interrupt it if you develop a reaction or discomfort, usually due to Candida die-off. You may then recommence slowly again. If necessary, repeat the course after some time, or try Olive leaf extract or Pau’ D arco in between a Lugol’s course. You may continue with several drops (3 to 5) once a day for a much longer time as protection against fungal and mould control. Also in cysts, fibrocystic breasts, ovaries and uterus, and with diabetes, cancer and autoimmune diseases (but this is not necessary while using MMS or other fungicides).

For an excellent article see  by Donald W. Miller



Directions for thyroid health: you can take 3 to 5 drops of Lugol’s a day with meals for longer periods. Go on the lower end of dosage if you have been using Lugol’s for some time. How you feel is a guideline. As you feel better with more energy you can reduce the dosage. For maintenance you might only need to take 1 or 2 drops per day with food. Generally, it is recommend and preferred to use kelp as a long-term food supplement for thyroid function and advised to alternate Lugol’s with kelp supplementation.

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